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The muds of Vulcano

The Aeolian Islands are well-known for their natural beauty and magical places where you can relax and benefit from the power of nature. Vulcano, in particular, is rich in the natural energy of the land, bringing you beneficial effects for body and mind. We are talking about the centuries-old muds of Vulcano. Located near the port, there are several areas of natural muds that flow out of the subsoil on the island. People take mud baths in it, for the benefits it brings to the skin and body in general, to relieve the symptoms of bone and respiratory diseases or-simply-to relax.

The muds of Vulcano and the thermal waters of the Aeolian Islands are divided into three types. That of the “Pozza dei Fanghi” (Mud Pool), where the waters have a very high concentration of sulphur and flow, abundantly fed by bubbles, emitting sulphur vapours, salt water and clay mud.

The “hot sea” or “hot waters” (there are sulphurous areas in the open sea) is another place where you can enjoy the benefits of Vulcano's thermal waters. Beneath the surface of the water, dozens of underwater fumaroles give off steam, like in a hot tub. The benefits are immediate. Not far away, you can benefit from some inhalations at the fumaroles.

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